jeudi 13 mars 2008

The IT Crowd

The Series:
The IT Crowd is a British sitcom written by Irish director Graham Linehan and produced by British Ash Atalla for Channel 4.

The Story:
The IT Crowd is set in the offices of Reynholm Industries, a fictitious British corporation in central London. It focuses on the shenanigans of the three-strong IT support team located in a dingy, untidy and unkempt basement - a stark contrast to the shining modern architecture and stunning London views enjoyed by the rest of the organisation.
Moss and Roy, the two technicians, are portrayed as socially inept geeks or "standard nerds". Despite the company's utter dependence on their services, they are despised, ignored, and considered losers by the rest of the staff.
Jen, the newest member of the team, is hopelessly non-technical, despite claiming on her CV that she has "a lot of experience with computers". As Denholm, the company boss, is equally tech-illiterate, he's convinced by Jen's interview bluffing and appoints her head of the IT department.

The Characters:
Roy played by Chris O'Dowd
Maurice Moss played by Richard Ayoade
Jen Barber played by Katherine Parkinson
Denholm Reynholm played by Chris Morris

My Opinion:
Usually I'm not fond of the british humor but for this sitcom, I am forced to admit that it's funny. Sometimes it can appears like being a little absurd but it's good to relax.

My Mark:

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